
A GNodeInstance is the one of the layers of abstraction connecting a GNode with a running app in a Docker container. At any point in time, a GNode can be represented by only one GNodeInstance.

Every GNodeInstance is subordinate to a Supervisor GNodeInstance which runs a SupervisorContainer - typically a docker container running in the cloud. The SupervisorContainers are managed and spawned by a World GNodeInstance, which sits at the top of the GNodeTree and is responsible for staying in touch in with the GNodeFactory for lifecycle status and private keys of its GNodes.

The Supervisor monitors the health of its subordinates with heartbeats, and is responsible for killing and re-spawning any subordinate that fails to receive or send messages in a reasonable timeframe.


One of the primary ways GNode actors communicate with each other is via RabbitMQ messages. The actors share their GNodeInstanceId in these messages in order to establish their credentials.

At the initiation of a conversation, a GNode’s conversation partner can check in with the World Actor about the credentials of the inbound message by getting a verification that the GNodeInstanceId matches the GNodeAlias.

Most actors find their GNodeInstance because they are on a docker instance that was started by the World Actor, and the World Actor has placed a file with the relevant GNodeInstance data in the container. If and when that container dies, a new GNodeInstance will be created for the GNode.

Scada GNodeInstanceId

A Scada actor live on a Scada device that is sensing and controlling a Transactive Device. The Scada’s process for getting assigned to a GNodeInstance is therefore slightly different.

At the time of its installation, a SCADA device’s GNodeAlias is naturally determined by the GNodeAlias of its TerminalAsset (by appending scada).

But the system needs to proof that a SCADA actor showing up with that GNodeAlias is in fact running on the physical device.

Note that the TaOwner holds a TaDeed establishing their ownership of the associated TerminalAsset (in GridWorks) and Transactive Device (in the real world). This means if the TaOwner signs a message with their private key, anybody can check that the entity that signed that message owned the TerminalAsset.

The TaOwner therefore creates an Algorand account for the Scada actor, puts that account’s secret key on the Scada device, and then sends a signed request to the GNodeFactory to create the Scada GNode with an associated ScadaAlgoAddr (the public address of the Scada’s Algorand account). When the Scada is establishing its identity with the DispatchContract it signs its messages with this key.

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