APIs,SDKs, and ABIs

The foundational GridWorks package gridworks, which is the source of this documentation, is designed to help you set up a sample GridWorks API and its corresponding SDK in a development environment, to help learn the ropes for core GridWorks communication mechanics.

Imagine a GridWorks application (say, a GNode actor) as a cell in a larger organism. It has ways of communicating, and this is captured in its cell membrane.

  • APIs The Application Programming Interface specifies how communication happens at and beyond its cell membranes.

  • SDKs A GridWorks Software Development Kit, on the other hand, is like an internal organelle capable of generating valid messages to send out to other cells.

  • ABIs The application might be an Algorand Smart Contract - for example, a [DispatchContract](dispatch-contract). Then it has an Algorand Application Binary Interface instead of an API.

More on Algorand ABIs

We describe the historical precedent for Application Binary Interfaces. Continuing the cell analogy, an ABI is a specification for a cell communicating _inwardly_ to, say, its mitochondria. ABIs are familiar to c programmers as a way of arranging memory layout.

The Algorand blockchain is like a smallish, Turing-complete computer whose guts are spread out across the Internet, whose every internal action in compiler code is visible for the world to see. A method call to an Algorand Smart Contract is much more like a C ABI than a Restful API with a url endpoint.

For more information on Algorand ABIs:

GridWorks APIs

In order to explore how GridWorks APIs work, please start up a version of the `gridworks` package API:

` uvicorn gridworks.rest_api:app --reload  --port 8000 `

navigate to

` `

You can then try out POSTS to various API endpoints. These endpoints will return a valid response if the GridWorks type provided has no errors, and will otherwise return a list of one or more errors.

GridWorks types are the building blocks for GridWorks APIs: they articulate what is getting sent without specifying where and how (i.e., a Post to a Restful API endpoint, or a message published to an exchange on a rabbit broker).

As a first pass, you can make the slightly incorrect assumption that all Gridworks types must be serialized JSON - the lingua franca of APIs. Note that JSON is NOT a programming language. It is a multi-dimensional graph structure, and a greatest common denominator for articulating the WHAT of data that programming languages use and manipulate in separate but interacting applications. For example, a JSON “int”does not articulate anything about memory - it is just an arbitrarily long sequence of 0123456789 characters.

The Type SDK objects provide a Pythonic method of creating valid instances of these types, and for interpretting payloads as natural Python objects.

Examples of sending valid payloads to GridWorks APIS